Sale-a-Bration is such a fun time of year. Place an order with me of $50 or more, and get a free SAB item out of this catalog. They have some great items this year!!!! You can see the catalog on my web page Click on shop then the Sale-a-bration picture!!! You also get free product out of the SAB catalog if yo sign up to become a demonstrator, during this fun time!!!! I can answer all of your questions!!!
Still finding all kinds of Fall and winter cards that we made last year at our get togethers.....Love the star card!!!
Apple Slab Pie
1 Box refridgerated pie crust, soften per directions
1 C. sugar
3 TBL AP flour
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 TBL lemon juice
9 C. thinly sliced peeled apples
1 C. powdered Sugar
2 TBL milk
Heat oven to 450. Remove pic crust from pouches. Unroll and stack crusts on top of each other, on lightly floured surface. Roll to 17 X 12" rectangle. Fit crust into 15 X 10 X 1" pan, pressing into corners. Fold edges and crimp. Mix sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and lemon juice. Stin in apples to coat. Spoon into crust. Bake 33-38 min. until crust is golden and filling is bubbly. cool on rack 45 min. Mix powdered sugar anf milk. drizzle over pie. Let set 30 min. Enjoy and Bon Apetit!!!